Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why I Hate MLM but Love to Be a Blogger

Why I Hate MLM but Love to Be a Blogger is something that I just wrote on one of our other blogs.  Well actually it was titled.....Why I hate MLM......but as you read the post, you will see that I love to be a blogger.

In addition....I am a firm believer of the two edged sword when I look at things in life.

Let me give you an example.  If we lose our job....we get ticked off as we try and try to get a new job.......but is losing the job the real problem?

You see if we concentrate on the two edged sword point of view....losing the job is not really the problem.  LOSING THE INCOME.....that's the real problem.

What about working too much at our existing job.  With that we are lucky to have the job and we may be making great income doing that job.  But the job.....or getting a new job to replace that job may still not solve the problem of putting in too many hours....and not having enough hours to spend with our real love.....spending time with our families.

So maybe the real problem is.....HOW WE EARN the income.  Now Why I Hate MLM but Love to Be a Blogger is based on that thought......the thought of the two edged sword.  We may love the concept of MLM.  But it doesn't work for everyone.  So it ends up not being a multiplication of our income or efforts....but instead becomes addition and subtraction.

Now that's what I wrote about on the other blog.....and I don't feel like re-writing it if you want you can go to Why I Hate MLM .  Well on that post I share what I really like.

I love affiliate programs that are based on products that are subscriptions or have renewal income.

And to make that even better.....combining it with what I love and that is to be a blogger.

So back to the two edged sword.  Is MLM really what we are looking for?  OR are we looking for the residual income that keeps coming in....keeps getting bigger year after year?

And instead of having a huge sales organization made up of people.....which by the way is not very easy for an average person to what if it was made of pages instead?  So what if we had hundreds or even thousands of blog post pages all over the search engine results pages instead.  Pages instead of people!

So if we have an affiliate program that pays you not just once.....but year after year.  And if we have hundreds of pages on the internet that work for us day and night.....week after week....year after year......and they don't quit on you.  AND they promote the affiliate program that you have.....well isn't that the same type of income?

So you may love MLM.  But I am more inclined to believe that you love what MLM can give you.  And that's what I love.....what it can give me.

But my favorite affiliate program pays me year after year.  And because I love to be a pages are my sales organization.....and they don't quit!

Now truth be told I am also in another affiliate hybrid program.....but I got it because it helps me with my other blogs.  It is part of a powerful domain and that domain traffic rank....drags my other blogs UP in traffic ranks.  And I treat it like any other affiliate marketing program that I am in.

And that is where the other blog post is.....Why I Hate MLM .

But I love my favorite affiliate program because it pays year after year....and it is with a pristine company.  In addition I know first hand how a website through them.....can dominate the search engine results using the tools they have to offer!

So Why I Hate MLM but Love to Be a Blogger is all about the income method.  I love what MLM can do income wise.....potentially.  But I love to be a blogger......and I use an affiliate program that can pay year after year and receive a true residual and passive income.

And I love to have hundreds of blog posts or pages.....all over the internet.....that work for me without complaining or quitting.  Day after day.....week after week.....year after year.....even if I am on the beach with my family!

I wish you the very best and hope that you too find what you are looking for!!!

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