Blogger Income
Blogger Income is what you were wondering about anyway right? How can I make money blogging? That's the question that everyone wants to know about.....and that's the question they may want to ask. Even if they never get around to asking it.
Well I usually dedicate each one of my blogs to a specific method of earning an income. And I have never....ever...showed anyone all of the ways that I personally am using, in order to generate income from blogging. But Blogger Income is important to all of us.....and here at Be a is critical!
So I have decided to show you everything! Yep right here I will walk you through the ways that I earn an income. I will show you my favorites and explain why.......and show you others that I like, but maybe they are not for everyone. I will show you how much you could make using the same method.....but I'll also let you know if it is easy...or hard to do it!
I will let you look at the very pages and show you examples of how you can also use these very methods that I do.....if they appeal to you....and I know some will! But I also know you will have no interest at some of these things. But then again....maybe some will. WHAT is that you learn how someone can make money in blogging.
Now if I have one particular product that I promote...and you have no interest in THAT product, you may immediately think of a product that you do like. And that may spark an idea.
And that is why I am putting it all out here on this page. I want you to think of ALL the ways that you can make a blogger income with your Be a Blogger Biz......and then pick one or two or more methods and go to town blogging!
Now because I am laying this all out means the page may become pretty long. BUT what I am showing you by going step by step and showing various ways of getting a Blogger is going to be very important to you. So you have to go all the way to the end. Even if you have to come back if you run out of time. Because some of the very best that I am sharing with you.....will be towards the we bring it all together.
Okay....let's get going! How to make a Blogger Income....
Pay Per Click ad's or PPC
So the first method that we will cover is Pay Per Click Ad's (or known as PPC ad's) on your blog or website. The reason why I will put it first is because everyone see's these ad's all the time. If you look on the right side of your Facebook page....there are PPC's. If you search for anything at all on Google, Bing or Yahoo, you will see some ad's in a shaded area or an area on the right side of the page. These are PPC ad's.
Now it is so easy to host these on your own blog or website. BUT I WILL WARN YOU! Wait until you have established your site and have gotten the score up....and you have established a great presence on the search engine result pages. Because if you add them too early....(or even if you add affiliate links, which we will talk about next) will actually harm your site.
It's literally like shooting yourself in the foot. But it is easy. And the easiest way is if you have a Blogger site which is a free Blog site. When you have a blog with Blogger, all you do WHEN YOU ARE READY is click on the earnings tab on the left side. Then click on the Get Started button...and set up your account.
Here is a screen shot so you can see how easy it is to get started.
Click on image to enlarge
Now after you sign up, you can set it up and choose how many AdSense ad's that you want on your site and where you would like them to be placed. And here is the cool's all automatic after that. Anytime you blog about a particular subject, Google will pick the keywords for the relevant ad's and add only those to your page. All we do is say where we want the ad's and how many....and Google does the rest.
Now when a visitor is on one of your pages and is done reading they may see an ad that interest's them. If they click on the get paid. Hence...Pay Per Click. Now don't click on them yourself. You will get booted from the be cool and just blog!!!
Anyway, this is one method of getting Blogger Income. Some of the ad's pay pennies....and some pay more. But they add up. Especially when you are getting paid from many different sources. All of the small incomes add up to be a big income!
And remember you do not pay for these....someone who wants to advertise pay's for it. You just provide the real estate on your blog....and you get paid if someone clicks on it.
Now I said that I would show you examples on my sites how I do this. Well....I have a problem with that. You see I only use these on 1 site....because I don't want to risk hurting my score or popularity yet on any of the new sites. And on that site, the PPC money that I had earned was getting close to getting a check issued (they pay when your balance reaches $100.00) AND THEN Google decided to verify my address and phone number so they put my ad's on hold until I was done with that process. Well I have done everything they wanted but I am WAITING for the phone call from THEM in order to verify my phone number.
Now I said that I would show you examples on my sites how I do this. Well....I have a problem with that. You see I only use these on 1 site....because I don't want to risk hurting my score or popularity yet on any of the new sites. And on that site, the PPC money that I had earned was getting close to getting a check issued (they pay when your balance reaches $100.00) AND THEN Google decided to verify my address and phone number so they put my ad's on hold until I was done with that process. Well I have done everything they wanted but I am WAITING for the phone call from THEM in order to verify my phone number.
Until then they turned off my ad's.....all last week...LOL. So I could show you the site but the ad's are blank this week. Oh much for timing right. But I don't think it is that important because you see these ad's know what they look I am just going to move on to the next topic because I don't think new bloggers should have these on a new site anyway.
And can make so much more money off of the other methods anyway. So let's move on!
Affiliate Income
There are all sorts of affiliate programs out there. In some of them you can make a lot of money....and I am talking millions. And some of them....a little bit here and there. The beauty about an affiliate program is that they are EASY!!!! You can sell without SELLING! You see 95% of all humans...hate selling! And yet, sales is the highest paid profession. So by being an affiliate, you can sell with out SELLING!Think of it this way. We look for people who have a problem - let's say a headache. And then - we blog about headache's and offer aspirin on a link that they can click on. And when they buy the aspirin - you get paid a commission. Now we are really not promoting aspirin - that was just an analogy. But that is basically how we make a blogger income from affiliate programs.
Here is how it works. When you become an affiliate, you become an INDEPENDENT marketer for that company. And you get an affiliate link which becomes part of every link to products for that company. Let's use I am sure that you have heard of them right? Well if you go to and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page you will see "Make money with us". And then "Become an Affiliate." Now IF you have a site that is pretty good and popular and you have a good amount of pages....they will let you become an affiliate. And then if you want to talk about a book let's say....or a could go on to your account with amazon....find that video...and copy the link. Then you paste it on your site.
Now when a visitor comes a long and see's the link....and clicks on takes them to the Amazon site. And if they bought the video you would make a small commission and that would be cool right? You made money selling...but you didn't do any selling. You just put a link out there. AND.....if that person bought other stuff while they were looking at the make money on that TOO!!! See....being an affiliate can be cool.
So let's just take a look at how I have done it. Don't buy anything.....this is just to show you how I do it and then you can start to think about how you can do it.....based on what you write about.
Now click on this AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK EXAMPLE and it will open a new page. It will be on a page that talks about Videos for Traders. Well click on any picture of a video. It will then open a new window on the Amazon website.
Wasn't that cool? Just write about something.....put in a link....and that's one way that bloggers can make money. WITHOUT SELLING! But we can make more money with other programs.....we can make A LOT more money. So let's look at some more affiliate programs.
This next one is also one of my very favorites!!!! And it works just like Amazon does in the fact that we just copy and past links. BUT it doesn't care about how many pages your blog has....what it is about....heck you can do this one starting TODAY without ANY BLOG or website. And yes it's FREE.
And they have tons of links......AND eBooks that you can give away for FREE. But just by doing that.....just by becoming an affiliate, you get a tremendous education that to me is priceless!!! And like I could start today!
I love this company for a few reasons. First of all they are professional and so friendly at every level. Their reputation is pristine! AND they know what they are doing when it comes to teaching bloggers and people how to have a very successful online home business. In fact, I had several websites through them and I got to the top of the search pages over and over again.
But one of my websites that I got through them was my best and I have to tell you a little about that first. You see I made a couple of sites and obviously we learn as we go. Well when we learn....all of a sudden we realize that what we thought was a brain storm and our idea that would certainly be worth millions.....well our education catches up with reality and we start to see that maybe we were mistaken. Well that's what happened to a couple of my sites.
Well I was on a business trip and was discussing a companies website with their marketing guy and while I was showing him how bad their site was....and how good one of my "under construction" sites was so much better, I realized that if I built a different site with different key words....I might just be able to dominate those keywords for the whole industry.
So I bought another website and through the training from this company, it helped me do just that. My new site dominated the keywords that I was targeting. And not just the first page. I dominated the first 3 pages of results and bumped a major corporation OFF those pages. Well I finally got that site to a point where I was going to really capitalize on making money from it.....and I got sick. Well during my 1 year of being disabled...I lost that website. Bummer right?
Not really.....because with what I had learned....I can now go out and do it over and over again. But I really love this company for what they taught me....and I love their products.
So check this out because I am going to teach you something very valuable during the process. You see sometimes we learn better by doing.....we remember by doing something, rather than being told something.
Okay let's say you have a blog and you are an affiliate with this company. And on a blog post one day you are writing about single mom's making money by creating a blog of their own. So I will write a sample sentence below and it will have a link in it. And then we will talk about that link,
Sample sentence:
And blogging has given us our own online home business and we are now having a blast sharing that with others just like on this video and see how you can too!
So now you saw a video and it was entertaining to your readers. BUT when they clicked on it, a temporary cookie was attached and if that person who watched that video turned around and bout any would make somewhere between $75.00 to $250.00. But you were just writing on a opinion or maybe teaching something....what ever.
But if your visitor likes what they see....and they buy earn an affiliate referral commission. So you earn from a sale.....but you didn't have to sell anything. That's how we bloggers make money.....we make Blogger Income!!!
Now do you remember I said TEMPORARY COOKIE? You see your affiliate link was attached to the video but if that person now goes off and see's other people's site's.....well with each new site they may pick up a new cookie. Or some companies have a 30 day cookie. All companies seem to have their own way of doing it. But as an affiliate.....we don't want our visitor to lose that cookie that we might just make some money off of. So it is something to think of.
But let's try that again with a different sample sentence:
I found a way for you to get a FREE education.....a back door to training that is so awesome and you can have it too.....just by checking out this link at THIS SAMPLE LINK TO A BACK DOOR EDUCATION for FREE!!!
OR you can use a banner ad.
Here is a square one. If your visitor clicks on it, it will take them to the same place as that link in the sentence - but it looks different. Which ever you would like to use!

Okay now when your visitor clicked the link....they ALSO got a temporary cookie. But if they were to have clicked into the site.....on that Green button and they sign up as an affiliate also....THEY ARE NOW YOUR CUSTOMER FOR LIFE!!!
That is a permanent cookie in a way, because now they are an affiliate like you. And....they are now on your team. Now both of you may never have spent any and your visitor or friend can sell SBI products and services just by sharing links.....but if one of your friends or visitors buys a web site in the get a commission of $75.00.
And if they renew next get paid a commission again on renewals!!!! And year after can get paid.
So you may already be thinking this....but wouldn't it be worth your time to promote this company on your blog.....and giving people access to FREE education and also showing them how they can be an affiliate for free also. What if you had 100 people who you introduced them to this education and helped them to become an affiliate...for FREE? And what if some day they bought a website?
What if you had 1,000 people who decided to become an affiliate....and maybe just some of them decide to buy a website some day?
Now one more point. Maybe you are unemployed and you can't afford a website....and you are just getting started. Well you could start up a free blog and add a link here or there....and market this OFFLINE as well. You could use business cards that have your blog's link on could talk to could have your blog web address printed on a hat or Tee Shirt. You could even run an ad in Craigslist if you have some valuable content on your blog.
And SiteSell has eBooks that you can customize. When you customize it all of the links inside the eBook will be your affiliate links. So if you are online you can make it possible for people like WAHM's which are Work at Home Mom' download a FREE WAHM Masters course. And the links are your links!
Oh and if you don't have a blog site yet but you are itching to get can download it to a CD.
So between links, eBooks, course's,videos and tons of banner ad's and landing pages....SiteSell makes your job easy!!!
So it's all up to you as a blogger or online business owner if you want to do all of your business online....or get a jump start off line as well. But this company could do wonders for you.
And that's why I love this company. With some companies, you can make a little money if someone clicks on a link. But with SiteSell you can build a huge team of affiliates....and if someday they buy a SiteBuildIt can make money year after year.
Now this is an affiliate program and NOT Multi Level Marketing. It is pure and simple an affiliate program. BUT they will also give you a bonus on your commissions....based on the volume of your affiliate team that you brought in.
Well we are almost ready to go onto another type of affiliate program......but I sure would love it if you were thinking of being a blogger....if you would consider joining my team with SiteSell. Because if you clicked on that sample link and you also want to be an affiliate.....I will train you and mentor you if you join my team. It is an awesome company to be part of. And having a mentor.....well that is just down right cool!
MLSP or My Lead System Pro
MLSP or My Lead System Pro - Is an awesome affiliate program! Well let me re-phrase that. This is my absolute favorite affiliate program and is in fact - my main income at this point in time!This is a pre-built marketing and educational site that specializes in internet marketing and lead generation. They say that it is not an income opportunity....but what they really mean is that it's not a Network Marketing Company. And it never will be either.
But there are some very wealthy people working this program. In fact....the biggest earners in the business - are in this program. In fact there are industry leaders who have created 20 Million Dollar, 50 Million Dollar and even 100 Million Dollar companies - after they learned how to market online - from MLSP.
And do you know of anyone who has ever tried one of those home party, multi level, network marketing or direct sales businesses? Well if you showed them this they would be indebted to you for life.
You see none of those programs work because the people never have enough leads. But this company created all sorts of website pages, capture pages...videos....even pre made emails. Everything is done for you. So making money with this company is automatic income.
Now you can do this program with out having a blog or website as well. Now one of the reasons why you don't need a blog is because they have an Article Directory that works awesome at getting traffic.
And then because it's an affiliate program - you could actually use email, Facebook, Myspace, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter....or even your smart phone. All you do is share a link....and that's it!
People click on the a short video and then type in their name and email address. Then they get to watch a video, a training course or webinar that you wanted to share with them...and the folks from the company do all the selling for you.
In my opinion, MLSP or My Lead System Pro is a MUST for every blogger or person that wants to have a home based business. And the main reason is because of the education. MLSP is like the Harvard University of Online Business. And is truly the place to be if you want to stop playing games - and finally make a serious living from Blogging and the internet.
I mean - they don't teach this stuff in normal colleges - so how do we learn this? And - there are no tuition bills because you earn as you learn!
So in the beginning I had said that I would tell you the good things....and the bad things about each method of the affiliate programs that I used for examples. And I will wrap this up by doing a quick summary giving the good points and the bad points....if there are any....for each program.
Pay Per Click Ad's - are great once you have a great site with lot's of traffic. And you can make some good money with them. At the very least they contribute an income to your main Blogger Income source. The bad thing have to have a mature site with traffic already, other wise it could actually hurt you in the sense that your site may look too commercialized or over monetized...too soon. So for a new blogger, this may not be the best choice.
Affiliate Income from Non Specific Product Sites - are great for new bloggers once they get some traffic to their sites. With a company like Amazon, the visitor may go to Amazon to buy something like a book or video and then decide to purchase more products, which help you out quite a bit. BUT you do want to keep them scarce or a small amount of the ad's or links so you do not harm your ranking by making your site become an "affiliate" site....which is what the search engine thinks when you have too many ad's.....and not enough content. The SiteSell affiliate program to me is one of the very best for a new blogger. First of all....the education that the blogger would get is top notch and worth a fortune over the career span of the blogger. And the amount of topics that their eBooks and Masters Courses a new blogger plenty to write about. And then when you add all of the landing pages, links, videos and banners that they offer their affiliates....well you could spend your whole life promoting their products and building a huge affiliate team...and never run out of writing material or promoting methods. The fact that it has a built in RESIDUAL income component to the program....makes it hard to ever find anything better.
Now about the only negative that I could come up with would be....don't use too many banners or links, which if over done could affect your page rank. But I LOVE SiteSell personally!
Affiliate Income from Specific Products - is an excellent option for new bloggers because it can give the blogger topics to write about. So you can have a whole page of content about a specific product with just one or two links. The bad thing would be if you have all sorts of products and they do not relate to the main theme of the blog or the domain name. So the site could be just a whole site with pages and posts that have nothing to do with each other. That is NOT how you dominate results pages. Now if you love a specific product and you think that the amount of profit that you will earn is worth devoting a whole site to that product.....well then all of your pages and domain name can actually benefit the effort.
Well that gives you a pretty good idea how to make money from blogging. For me personally - MLSP is my first choice. I mean the education is second to none. And the commissions range from 30% to 100% - and how can we beat that?
And through commissions on memberships - you can build a residual - monthly income that can grow larger with every passing month.
Now I have been rebuilding my whole online business. My mentor told me that I have to create a branding site and seeing that he makes millions of dollars - so I listen to what he says. That site will be a learning site and will become our primary site.
So here is the link for my new branding site: and we will be hosting a lot of videos and offering free webinars as well. So come on over and check it out.
Anyway, these are some of the methods of obtaining Blogger Income. I truly hope that this has been helpful to all of our visitors. Affiliate programs and PPC income can all add up collectively to make blogging very well as being fun. And as always feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need more information.
P.S. Oh and if you want to check out MLSP and see how you can get a killer education and an affiliate income from your blogging efforts - check it out here: