Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Automated Income

Automated Income is exciting and just thinking of that kind of income can get the most conservative person to look off in the distance as they think of all sorts of possibilities.  Yes automated income can get your mind racing.

I mean just think of getting an email several times a day that tells you that you just made another $29.00 per month added to your income.  And that is every month......month after month after month.

Can you imagine being at work, stuck in a meeting, or just getting ripped into by your boss.....and your smart phone vibrates or rings a tone.....letting you know that you just got another email.  And on and on the boss get's into your sales quota or how you have to work harder because the company had to cut back on workers.  So you have to step it up a bit.

And then your smart phone vibrates again or rings.....letting you know that you just got another email.  And maybe this repeats itself several times a day.

Then you check your emails and you see that these emails were letting you know that you just made an extra $29.00 per month....month after month....and each email was another $29.00 per month notification.

It is crazy when thinking of automated income and what it could be like tapping into a business.....your own business.....and the money just comes in....automatically....year after year!

Now you are thinking that I must have gotten a hold of some good drugs or something......but there really is a way.

You see I have been striving to achieve that kind of income for years, but I just never found the right vehicle that would make that possible.  But I know it can be done.

Well I found a vehicle that can give you or me.....that very automated income that I am talking about.  And I LOVE IT!!!!!

Just today I was reminded of a guy that I have been following for quite a while.  To tell you the truth....he is sort of a hero to me because he created an automated income.....and for more than a decade.....his income has just been coming in.  Month after month, year after automated income, just flowing into his bank account.

Well I wrote about it on one of my blogs this morning and rather than repeating it here I'll give you a link so you can read about this automated income that this guy created.  And then I'll show you what I found.  I am sure you will really, really like it yourself.

Note: Since I wrote this post - a new company was started and this company is INCREDIBLE.  It offers the same automated income - but is so much better.  In fact - it is so good we just started a brand new site dedicated for it and it alone.  So instead of giving you a link to something that is not as good - I 'll give you the link to our new site.

Click Here to see our new site!

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