Be a Blogger

Be a Blogger?  Yeah why not?  And while you are at it, why not make a business out of it and Be a Blogger Biz!

You see blogging is a great way for you to share your interests and your hobbies with the world.  And it's FREE!  Within just a few minutes you can have a blog of your own and be blogging away.

Or if you are an aspiring writer and want to start to get your feet wet in sharing your works with the world.....what other way can get you published instantly, than by starting your own blogging site?

And this goes for anything that we like.  Maybe you are a photographer, a baker, you like crafts, maybe a business person that is unemployed and you want to share your knowledge with others.  You can be a blogger and blog about anything at all!

All sorts of people start a blog and get into the blogging life style and if for no other reason, than to share what they love with others.  But some of myself.....well we want to make money at it as well.  And there are all sorts of different methods to earn some extra money when you blog.  You know.....make a business out of it.

Now if you are new to blogging, that may seem like scary territory.  And that's what it is like when we experience change or any unfamiliar undertaking.  But I assure you, we will go step by step on this blog and show you all sorts of ways to make your blogging experience not only pleasurable, but profitable as well.

So let's not just talk about blogging though.....let's also consider another option and that option is to Be a Blogger Biz!  Which is a business we build....from blogging.....or perhaps better stated as our blog, our business!

In Fact - Let's Watch a Video Quick - On Be a Blogger

I hope the Video Helps You Get a Better Idea of What it Can Be Like - To Be a Blogger!

There are many ways to actually create an income from blogging and we will discuss that in depth on other pages.  But to name a few we could get paid for PPC ad's which are those Pay Per Click ad's that you see off on the side of various websites, blogs, heck even on Facebook.  Now you may not get paid much when someone clicks on them, maybe only a few cents....or maybe as much as a dollar or two....but they can add up.  Especially when you get a lot of traffic.

TRAFFIC being the keyword here and let's look at Facebook.  They have made BILLIONS of dollars.....from those PPC ad's that you see when you log in to your page.  So you can make money with PPC ad's.  But traffic is the key!!!!!!  Traffic is what it is all about!!!!

Then there are affiliate links where you get paid if someone clicks on a link on one of your pages and then they buy a product from where ever that link leads the visitor to.  For an example....have you ever heard of  Well sure you have.  And they are actually an affiliate company in that when you visit their site and buy something.....most times, the product comes from somebody else and Amazon gets an affiliate referral payment or commission.  Just for having that product on their website.

And you could be an affiliate for Amazon too.....I am.  If you go to their website and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, you will see a link for affiliates.

Well if you have a blog site and let's say that you do book reviews on your blog as an example.  And you do a review on a particular book and Amazon sells that book.  Well you would go into your Amazon affiliate account and find the book, copy the link and paste it on your site.

Now if a visitor comes to your site and see's the review and they think that they would like to read that book....and they see the ad for that book on your site, they may click on it.  And it brings them to Amazon and maybe they buy the book.  Well you just made some money.

Oh but wait....what if they buy more stuff while they are there?  Ahhhh.....guess what?  You just made more money!

Well now why would Amazon do that?  Well it's just a different way of advertising.  The traffic came to them from your hard work of building your the fair thing to do is pay you for FINDING the visitor. may start to like affiliate marketing.  Well I do as well.  In fact I have a couple of different software applications that I am an affiliate for and I am an affiliate with Amazon.  In addition there are companies that specialize in setting up affiliates with all sorts of companies.

Companies that you already shop with.  It's just a different way that advertising works.  And it is one way of making money when you take that step to be a blogger.

Of course we all have favorite ways to make money.  My personal favorite way is from my Money Blog which is what I call it.  And it is also an affiliate program.

But there are many ways to capture an income from blogging.  Another way to make money is to offer training, or eBooks, or actually any product or service.  All sorts of ways to earn more income.

And we are going to have pages that are dedicated to specific types or methods of earning income if you want to be a blogger.  And those pages will go deeper into those methods and give you the resources on how you can find these methods or products and how to implement them on your own blog.

 But let's discuss blogging itself and then get deeper into ways that we can get paid for our efforts later on.

What is blogging?  As we said above, we can blog about anything.  Hobbies, spiritual convictions or religious beliefs, politics (like we really need more about that) movies, restaurants, cooking, children, business, photography......and even blogging how to be a blogger!

It could be a stepping stone to something else also.  For a different business or a career path that you are trying to get into.

But technically, a blog is like a mini website.....but the know the words and the text, is fresh and constantly being updated.

You see some companies or I should say most companies have websites.  Oh they look oh so beautiful, with  flashy colors and pictures and they spend thousands of dollars to make them look great.  But the content or information just sits there for months on end....maybe even years.  And those pages are static pages....because they just sit there and are not updated very often.

But a blog could be adding new content every day or at least fairly frequent.  Now think about this.  Many people who are searching the internet are looking for information.....and not just any information .....they want the latest and greatest information.

So the search engines favor blogs.....because they are updated often and have the latest and up to date information.  Whereas a website with a page about the same subject.....that is 9 months old may not have the latest information.

Keep that in mind if you want to be a blogger.  Especially if you are scratching your head about what you should write about today.

Okay so a blog is a mini website.  That can be a good thing....and it can be a terrible thing.  You  see with a website you can take a topic and break it down into tiers and have layers and layers of pages on the same subject.

Let's take music for an example.  You could have a page on Rock Music.  Then from that page you could have another page on the Rolling Stones Rock Music.  Then you could have one for certain Albums for the Rolling Stones.  Then you could have another page from there about Concert Tour videos for the Rolling Stones.

You see you can take a topic and have layer after layer on the same topic.  But on a blog, some of the people who offer the blogs, limit you to the amount of static pages that you have.  Remember....we are dealing with FREE blogs here.  And also....a blog is supposed to be fresh daily content....and not a website.

So if you want to be a blogger, you have to sit back and think of what you will be blogging about.  Can that be done on a blogging site?  Or will you need a website?

So let's stick with the blogging sites.  They are typically simple to those WHO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.  If you are new, there will be a learning curve.....especially if you are going to start with a freebie site.

Now that's okay, that's why we have this site.  To help you a long.  And there are fast ways to get started.....and there are slow way's of getting started, so it's all up to you.

Now I have sites with Blogger and WordPress and I personally think that the Blogger sites are easier for a new person.  And I am not just talking about the technical or mechanics of making or creating a blogging site.  I am also talking about getting recognized by the search engine and getting found to begin with.

But even at that.....getting traffic is a challenge.  And without are not making money.  And that is one more reason that I personally prefer what I call my Money Blog and you can read about that on it's own page.

Now I have found that there are some hidden wars going on out there in the tech world.  For instance, Google doesn't like certain other companies as they battle for market share....especially Microsoft who owns Bing.  And that applies in reverse also.  So nobody really knows what's in the Google algorithms or those inside Bing's either.

But I have experimented and found that when I use a Blogger site, I do get on the search result pages faster and get higher page scores easier when I do a search using Google.  Now even if I submit my site to Yahoo and Bing for indexing......I can go a long time without ever getting near the same place when I compare it to Google.

Okay Dave.....slow down.....that was some techno babble there and we lost you.  Well simply put.....I get found faster and place higher on the search result pages with a Google owned Blogger site.....than I do on Bing or Yahoo.

So for this reason, I personally believe that it is easier for a new person.....that is set on using a free use the Blogger sites.  Does that mean that I do not like the WordPress sites?  Absolutely not and in fact I think the WordPress site has a lot of features and plugins that make it extremely appealing.

BUT I am talking about a brand new person who wants to be a blogger.

Now I have since found a way around that.  In fact a friend of mine had given me a tip that has just changed everything about my blogs and especially the traffic and traffic score on my sites.  So when I say that a person can go slow or go fast, there is a faster way to get traffic and a faster way to learn how to blog.

Now because this is a site for people who want to be a blogger....and it is dedicated to helping new people, we will cover ways to do everything for free.  I get it when we talk about the economy and I get it when we talk about hard times.

And I started with FREE sites and I also had a website that was just starting to get to the point where I could pull money out of it.....and then I got sick and was disabled for a year.  And one of the things I lost was my website.

So I really do understand doing things for FREE.  But sometimes we get what we pay for.  And for that reason I really do appreciate what I call my Money Blog .

To is the only way to go for a new person.  And for business people who have those beautiful websites that do not perform....well it is a fix for them as well.

But regardless of my personal beliefs or opinions, this blog will cover all avenues and we will let our readers and visitors determine what is good for them.

So we are adding new pages daily and if you found us in our construction phase, please forgive us.

But come back often and check us out because if you want to be a blogger, well then there will be a wealth of information here for you.

And we invite you to Subscribe to Us as well by clicking on the Subscribe link at the bottom of the page.

In the mean time....we wish you the very best success in your business, your blog....and your Be a Blogger Biz!!!!!