Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Go Where You Have Never Gone Before

Go Where You Have Never Gone Before!  Do something bold and do something for yourself and for your future!!!!

But that's scary isn't it?

Now I know that we humans have this sense of fear when we face change....or when we face doing something new.  I get it!  It's that uneasy feeling of just not knowing how hard something will be....or we question if something will work or not.

But we will never know unless we try new things!

Now I know in my life.....I always learned so much more by stretching my limits and my personal boundaries.

In fact the biggest thing that ever happened to me was when I became self employed as an aviation consultant.  I did not plan that.....LOL!  I was working for a company that I had an agreement with.....you know terms that we agreed to and I would not work for them unless those terms were agreed to.  Well two years later they reneged on those terms and well.....my experience showed me that the business would be almost impossible to continue under those new terms.

So I had two choices.  Stay and watch my efforts fail.  Or I could leave.  Well I didn't have anywhere to go, but I knew that my circumstances were being set up for failure and I just don't like failing at anything.

And that's why I insisted on having the terms met.....before I ever went to work for them!

Well I decided that I may just go off on my own and try and drum up some work on the side.  The first company that I went to almost dragged me through the door.  They had a problem that would cost them millions of dollars.....and they had no idea how to fix the problem.  So poof.....I was an aviation consultant....LOL!

So I found myself in that position.....the position of Go Where You Have Never Gone Before!

Now I was a little nervous at first.....I admit it.......but I had to just do it!!!

And the 5 weeks that they asked me to commit to....turned out to be about 8 years.  And then I worked for two more years for other clients.

But I learned so much. And I ended up in some situations that totally surprised me.....and really stretched me both personally and also professionally.  Regardless of the feelings of the unknown though.....it was so worth it!

Now here is the thing.  Everyone wants to have their own business.....especially an online home business.  Everyone would love to have an automatic income......an income that just flows into their bank account....24 hours a day......7 days a week.....365 days a year!

BUT.....so few people will actually do it!

That Go Where You Have Never Gone Before feeling stops them in their tracks!!!!

And I get it because I have felt that knot in my stomach before.....I really have.  But then again.....having gone through that......I would not have it any other way now!!!!

Now let's take that thought and apply it to blogging.  I talk to quite a few people about blogging and to me.....it is the absolute best thing that you could ever do.  It's easy......it's free.....and poof.....you are in business.  There are affiliate programs that let you just put a link on your site and if someone clicks on the link and buys something.....you get paid!  Wow....with no investment!  Well you invest your time.....but where in the world could you have a business with no money being invested?

But you know what?  People won't do it!

The average person will get scared of what they don't know.  They will hold back.....hesitate and walk away!

You see by becoming a blogger.....and it is something new.....they are being asked to Go Where You Have Never Gone Before.

Now if you offered them a job.....blogging.....people would knock your door down trying to apply.  BUT.....as soon as they find out that it is a business of their own.....wooooohh boy........slow down!

I can't do that!  You are asking me to do something new......you are telling them to Go Where You Have Never Gone Before!

And they split!

So it doesn't cost anything.  It is free and they can be their own boss......and make money.  But they split!

Now that is sad.....but yet I do get it.  I understand the feeling that a person gets in their gut when they do something new.....or at least think about starting something new.

And I say starting to do something new.....because I know that if they would actually get online and click a few buttons and type a few words.....and SEE THEIR BLOG ONLINE.....there would be no holding them back!

WHY.....because they did it.....and it is no longer a place where they have never gone before....it is a place where they are now!

Huge difference isn't it?

Well let me just say that I love to blog.  I have about a dozen of them and last night I did something that I never did before.  I saw a new law that the want to pass in New Hampshire and it is about the stupidest thing that I have ever heard of.  So.....I wrote a blog post about it!

You see when we become bloggers.....we can write about anything.  Now I wouldn't do that on this blog.  But on that other blog......well anything goes on that one.  Why...?  Because that blog has it's own purpose so I use it for a specified purpose.

But this blog......this is about helping people to do something.  This is to help you stretch your personal capabilities.

This blog will help you to Go Where You Have Never Gone Before!!!!

So come on...let's do it.  Do something new.....be bold....and Be a Blogger !

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