Blog Writer Techniques is the title of the page because the actual mechanics of writing for blogs......varies.....depending on what the purpose of the blog is for. If the blog is strictly informational, well then the words and the content have to flow in a certain deliver the information.
Then again if the blog is instructional and perhaps even a little technical, well you can lose your readers real fast if you are too dry and techie.
Now if the purpose of the blog is to convert the content into a sales conversion, well great knowledge of copy writing techniques will be required. With out having a thorough knowledge of copy writing will surely scare your visitors away, long before they whip out their credit cards.
And the author has to determine the ultimate purpose of the blog and then write in a fashion that will keep the visitors interest. Or the writer will have to steer the visitor to another page or even another site......sort of a progression in order to achieve the bloggers ultimate goal.
So Blog Writer Techniques will break these elements down and show you different forms of writing and then you can decide what manner or method is right for your blog.
And we will also share some tips that can be used for all help the average visitor be interested and stick with your content.
Well let's start with the very basics. Bloggers and online marketers measure everything. They study visitors stats....where they come from....where they go long they stay on a page. They even study where it was on the page when they left and what colors get certain responses from visitors.
Now you don't have to go crazy with this stuff, but you should be aware of it. One of the things that has been studied over and over again is the average attention span of a TYPICAL visitor....and what reading level that they possess.
This would shock you! You see the average reading level is actually very low. And attention span....well that is an important element that you need to be aware of. Because the average reader definitely belongs to the instant gratification group of people. They want what they want.....and they want it quick.....otherwise they are off to the next site.
So some basics to prevent that.
First rule of Blog Writer Techniques is to write the way you speak!!!
Can you be successful at having a conversation with someone....and not having them fall asleep? LOL....yeah you when you write....write the way you speak.
Now at first that may seem weird but I find that once you get used to it....the words just flow. Now...what I do is I just write and write. I could care less about punctuation or spelling.....I just write. Just get it on the screen!!!!
Then I go back and edit, edit and edit some more! And let me stop here and say this. If you are a PHD or some scholarly type.....maybe you will need to change how you speak....when you write. You see the average reader is not the PHD type. You actually have to think of grade school level reading....and that is not to insult you or even me.
It is meant to get you to think about all the folks out there that may read your blog. They may be from a different country, or a different part of your own country. So keep your vocabulary simple....or as easy to read and understand as possible. But you have to try and communicate with the largest group of people that you can, in order to capture the largest amount of traffic.
Stop and think about this for a second. Do you know what the 3rd most popular website in the WHOLE WORLD is?
YouTube!!! Why? Because people would rather push play than read a page! And you can use videos on your blog and I encourage it a lot!!!!! Your blog's popularity will be ranked on several things....but how long a person stays on your pages is one of those things.
If you do a video and they sit and watch.....hey....that was easy!
So write the way you speak, keep it real and let your conversation flow. Keep the words as simple and straight forward as you can.
Second rule of Blog Writer Techniques is keep your sentences short!!!
Keep your sentences short and to the point! You see if your sentences are long and dragged out, your readers will get tired quickly. They will lose interest and struggle reading from line to line.....and trying to keep track of which line they were supposed to be on. Let me ask you this. Have you ever read a legal know for a lease, or when buying a house?
Wow right? A lot of us call that legalese and I should know. I worked in aviation, I worked for lawyers and I also invested in real estate......and let me tell you.....reading that stuff was tough at times. But you see, lawyers have points to get across and they want it to be uninterrupted. And when they reference things, they reference paragraphs and sentences. So if they have one sentence that is 5 or 6 lines's easier to reference.
But us common folk.....well we like it short and sweet. Sometimes, the shorter the better!
So when ever possible....break your sentences up and keep them short! It is much easier for everyone to read. Oh and they can catch their breath easier too!
Third rule of Blog Writer Techniques is....break up your give emphasis......where it belongs!
When I say break up your sentences, you could use dots or dashes (hyphens) instead of just a comma.....and you can take a longer sentence.....and make it out of shorter sentences.
Sometimes your sentence has to be longer to get your point across - but you could insert a dash - or hyphen like I just did. And that sort of makes a few sentences into a long one. But you can still follow along with it.
And that's the point. You as the author or writer....need to get your point across. But the reader needs to easily follow along or you lose them. So get creative and use ...... dots or - make your sentences manageable!
Fourth rule of Blog Writer Techniques is break up your paragraphs!!!
Breaking up your paragraphs is done for the same reason that we break up sentences. It is so much easier for a reader to follow along in a paragraph when it is only 3 or 4 lines long. Maybe 5 lines at the most. But break them up a little.
Now you may be saying that some of this stuff doesn't go in line with what your English teacher taught you. But this is the internet age. And a blogger has to write to please people who search the internet for information. Sometimes that is done for pure pleasure also. So make it easy for them!
And truth be told.....these are copy writing techniques as well.
What is copy writing? That is sales or the art of persuasion....through the written word. And now you are saying......that you aren't selling anything. Well.....actually....yeah you are!
You are selling your visitor or persuading them to stay on your blog pages. Even if you are blogging about needle point or want them to stay on the page and finish reading. But if that gets too tiresome or becomes a chore....they are outta here!
Here is a fact for every website and blog out there. You will get visitors....and they will LEAVE!!! It's just a matter of when....and to where!
So break up your paragraphs and make it easy for your reader to casually and effortlessly read your blog post.
Fifth rule of Blog Writer Techniques is to have FUN!!
If you are having fun blogging....your visitors can tell. Your tone.....the words that you use.....the punctuation and the emphasis signs that you use will help your visitors have fun too!
And your visitors came to your site looking for information. But if you write like your information is in Encyclopedia format or flow.....they will leave pretty quickly.
So we like to suggest that you write the way that you speak. Well smile....have fun....laugh a little and have a great conversation with your keyboard as you type. Have fun!!! LOL!
Now if you are strictly writing about a topic and you are simply sharing information.....well then do that.
But if you are writing about a product or a service that you are promoting.....well then you need to make sure that your visitor gets the valuable information about that product or service. But that is getting real close to sales.
And most people are not good at sales. So then we have to expand our writing skills. One way of doing that is by reading the Net Writing eBook on our free eBooks page. With that eBook.....we learn how to PreSell instead of writing and trying to sell somebody something.
Or if you want to sell products and services, well then you need to learn a little about copy writing. A very good source for information and courses on copy writing is AWAI which stands for American Writers and Artists, Inc. Even if you don't buy a course from can learn a lot just by subscribing to their newsletter which comes by email each day.
Now if you want to make money from blogging using affiliate programs.....usually all you need to do is add a link or a banner ad to your post. They usually have all the proper copy writing covered where the visitor will land anyway. So don't worry about it!
Just write for your visitors.....and write the way you speak.....and have fun. Let the affiliate programs take it from there.
All we do is blog!
And you can do this. So I certainly hope this helps you out. And visit our Free eBooks for more information on Net Writing.
Now..........go have fun!!! Write a blog post everyday....and watch your blog grow and grow and grow!!!!
And I wish you the very best in your new Be a Blogger Biz!!