Job vs Business.....especially a Blogging something to think about!
And there is something that we should stop and think about first.....and ask ourselves this question. Are we programmed to be biased towards a job...rather than a business? And if so....why?
So before we go too far when thinking of job vs business.....let's check out this video first.
Now he talks about Direct Sales and Network Marketing and when most people think of Network Marketing....they typically cringe. And the reason is because a friend or relative probably tried to recruit them....or maybe even worse.....maybe they were in a network marketing company. So once know?
So Job vs Business doesn't have to mean Network marketing or Direct Sales....but what if it did?
Well if it did.....there are 3 problems that people immediately think of and they are:- NFL - No Friends Left
- NFL - No Family Left
- NFL - No Funds Left
95% or more lose Money in Network Marketing!
Sounds about right doesn't it? LOL.....yeah I hear you on that!
Well job vs business can be comparisons of all sorts of jobs....and all sorts of businesses. For at Be a Blogger.Biz......we are thinking of blogging businesses.
So......what if all your leads....or prospects....or customers....came to you from your blog site and WANTED TO JOIN YOU. Huh......problem solved don't you think?
But we can also make money from several different let's explore a little!!!
We can earn money from pay per click ad's, from affiliate programs.....from direct sales of information or even durable products....and we can even make money through a network marketing business....with blogging.
Well job vs business can be comparisons of all sorts of jobs....and all sorts of businesses. For at Be a Blogger.Biz......we are thinking of blogging businesses.
So......what if all your leads....or prospects....or customers....came to you from your blog site and WANTED TO JOIN YOU. Huh......problem solved don't you think?
But we can also make money from several different let's explore a little!!!
We can earn money from pay per click ad's, from affiliate programs.....from direct sales of information or even durable products....and we can even make money through a network marketing business....with blogging.
So we will talk about some of these methods elsewhere on the blog, but today when we think of job vs business....I wanted to focus on two specific methods for a good reason. And that reason is because if we are to compare a job vs business.....we have to compare income at the same time. And some methods of earning income from blogging is faster than other methods.
Now if we compare Job vs do we make money faster on the business end?
Well bloggers and online marketers get cash just flowing into their bank accounts....IF they know how to Highly Target their traffic. And if they do that.....and they put their site right in front of people who are looking for specific information......the blogger will make money.
Now the easiest way for a blogger to make money is through affiliate programs.
How does that work?
Well you blog about what ever you want, but if you are targeting a specific topic....then the topic should be related to the product. But it is as easy as just adding a link to your blog post. Now if your readers are interested in what you are writing about....and they see a link either in the text or as a picture or banner....and they click on it....the reader now goes to see the product.
Now if they buy something.....well you make money. Sounds cool doesn't it? You see you are really not selling just look for traffic. You blog about what ever it is that the traffic is looking for. And they see your link. If the like it they click. If they don't have an interest....oh well.
Not everyone will like it and that doesn't matter. You are only looking for traffic. The visitors decide for themselves....maybe 1% or 2% will click. What ever.....we blog....and that's all.
But we were comparing job vs business so how much we could make means a lot here. You can't leave a job...or consider a business.....unless you can make good money.
So let me give you an example.
So let me give you an example.
![Affiliate Signup](
Now this is a banner ad for one of my favorite affiliate programs. Why is it one of my favorites? Well first because it pay's can make $75.00 to $250.00 on each sale. get paid when the buyer renews his or her site. So that means you get paid year after year....for work you already have done.
Now what if people don't click on the banner? Who cares!!! Some people will! And some of those people will join. And some of those people will buy a site someday.
But what did you do? You wrote a blog....and you added a link or a banner.....and somewhere along the line someone buy's a site....and you made money.
Now I'll tell you a little known secret with this particular program. When the people buy a site....and they learn how to get their site in the top 1% or 3% of ALL the sites out there.....guess what? They buy another site. And you get paid again now.....and then again when they renew. And over 50 % come back and buy more sites!!!
Well first we have to remember what Robert was talking that we have to expand how we think if we currently have a job. We have to start thinking big....and business like......because we want to make a lot of money!!!
So we need a few things to pull that off. FIRST and foremost is we need traffic. And lot's of traffic. Well I have mentioned it before but I have a friend who is a millionaire online marketer. And he showed me how to get a lot of traffic from going after specific groups of visitors. And he gave me a lot of training and tools.....and I am allowed to give that information away....but only if people join my team.
Now I could break my promise and just give it to the general public but that would hurt my relationship with him.....and it would hurt the people who are already on my team. So take a look at what I am going to show you next....because this training is worth a lot of money all by itself.
After we take aim at a large source of traffic, we have to get the traffic ranking of our blog sites up to a killer level.....AND we have to get our page rankings up also. Now if I just lost you with that techno babble....don't worry.....I could teach you how to do that.
Now how do we do that? Well humor me for a minute and let me show you something I found. Now don't run away yet because when we mentioned Network Marketing before, we said that people cringe right? Well what about affiliate programs.....isn't that okay? Sure it is.
So what if we had a blogging system that was in the top 1% of all the websites in the whole world.....before we even started to blog with it? What if it was pre made and even if we are brand new......we could do this. I mean it is already made....all we have to do is blog.
This blog also has an affiliate program with it in that we pay a subscription monthly for the pre-made system. So calm down, it's not a's a one level affiliate program. When people buy the subscription from your pre-made earn an affiliate commission on that subscription.
This means that you earn monthly income.....because your affiliate commissions are based on monthly subscriptions......but you can also benefit from your your team grows.
Huh.....just like what Robert was talking about.....only this is with blogging. And even brand new bloggers can make a killing with this affiliate program.
Oh but wait......the founder got creative with this program.....because he has been real successful in online marketing. So he added some other products....and the commissions on those specific products are also an affiliate program. In fact - each product has it's own separate affiliate commission structure.
Now what if people don't click on the banner? Who cares!!! Some people will! And some of those people will join. And some of those people will buy a site someday.
But what did you do? You wrote a blog....and you added a link or a banner.....and somewhere along the line someone buy's a site....and you made money.
Now I'll tell you a little known secret with this particular program. When the people buy a site....and they learn how to get their site in the top 1% or 3% of ALL the sites out there.....guess what? They buy another site. And you get paid again now.....and then again when they renew. And over 50 % come back and buy more sites!!!
Okay....we can make money with that. But getting back to Job vs Business......
I am still thinking that in order to compare job vs business....we have to up the numbers of how much money we can make. Now this isn't about hype or pie in the sky. This is how I think! I want to make 5 and 6 figures PER MONTH. Anyone can play around with a hobby and make a little money here and there. But I want to talk about a business owners kind of income. A big business owners kind of what Robert was talking about in his video.So with Job vs can we make big money?
Well first we have to remember what Robert was talking that we have to expand how we think if we currently have a job. We have to start thinking big....and business like......because we want to make a lot of money!!!
So we need a few things to pull that off. FIRST and foremost is we need traffic. And lot's of traffic. Well I have mentioned it before but I have a friend who is a millionaire online marketer. And he showed me how to get a lot of traffic from going after specific groups of visitors. And he gave me a lot of training and tools.....and I am allowed to give that information away....but only if people join my team.
Now I could break my promise and just give it to the general public but that would hurt my relationship with him.....and it would hurt the people who are already on my team. So take a look at what I am going to show you next....because this training is worth a lot of money all by itself.
After we take aim at a large source of traffic, we have to get the traffic ranking of our blog sites up to a killer level.....AND we have to get our page rankings up also. Now if I just lost you with that techno babble....don't worry.....I could teach you how to do that.
But with Job vs Business....and making serious money.....we need leverage also.
Now how do we do that? Well humor me for a minute and let me show you something I found. Now don't run away yet because when we mentioned Network Marketing before, we said that people cringe right? Well what about affiliate programs.....isn't that okay? Sure it is.
So what if we had a blogging system that was in the top 1% of all the websites in the whole world.....before we even started to blog with it? What if it was pre made and even if we are brand new......we could do this. I mean it is already made....all we have to do is blog.
This blog also has an affiliate program with it in that we pay a subscription monthly for the pre-made system. So calm down, it's not a's a one level affiliate program. When people buy the subscription from your pre-made earn an affiliate commission on that subscription.
This means that you earn monthly income.....because your affiliate commissions are based on monthly subscriptions......but you can also benefit from your your team grows.
Huh.....just like what Robert was talking about.....only this is with blogging. And even brand new bloggers can make a killing with this affiliate program.
Oh but wait......the founder got creative with this program.....because he has been real successful in online marketing. So he added some other products....and the commissions on those specific products are also an affiliate program. In fact - each product has it's own separate affiliate commission structure.
Now Job vs Business....comparison on a large scale income potential...for the average Joe!
So let's do a summary here and see how Robert's video and our post title.....job vs business....and see how much money we can really grab a hold of by building this blog. A killer the top 1% of all the websites in the whole world....and how we can leverage on that strength.- We can make money as an affiliate with many programs...BUT the one's that offer a residual income from renewals.....that creates wealth. Just like Robert talks about in the video.
- We can blog about any subject.....BUT we need to target specific traffic that is begging for information. So fill the need....and you will get lots of traffic. And traffic creates an income for you.
- The pre-made blogging system is so easy to use....anyone can be a blogger. So when you put the system in front of average people who want to be a blogger....they will buy it. And you get a residual income from it.
- And when other people join your team....and they decide to be an affiliate can earn even more money by showing them what I show you if you join our team.
- When you join our team.....we will immediately send you an email welcoming you to our team. So I will then start to help you become successful - by mentoring you and coaching you each step of the way. And I devote myself to my team.....I want to see you make a lot of money.
Come and compare....a job vs business.....and learn how to make serious money!
We will teach you every step of the way! You see when you first start out, you are going to make a lot of mistakes. It can't be helped! Well if you don't have a mentor that is. Having someone that already knows what works and what doesn't means everything.
I built a few websites and plenty of blogs. But it wasn't until this past year where everything started to take off. Why? Well my mentor showed me what I SHOULD be doing. And that did not line up with what I WAS doing. And now it all make sense. And my business is taking off!
So I encourage you to take a serious look at this because I am sure that you are just like me. You want to make money and you love to blog - but pieces of the puzzle appear to be missing.
Well I invite you to learn a little and take a look around. In fact I don't want you to spend a single penny yet.
Here is what we have done. In the last few weeks we have totally rebuilt our whole business. I created a branding site. This one will be the hub of all of my businesses. it will be a learning place and very soon it will have a "Members Only" area where I will teach the secrets - secrets that the guru's don't want you to know. And I will do it because I think that there is plenty of room on the internet for all of us.
I will have videos and resources there that the members will be free to use, copy or share with their own team. But only members will have access to this stuff. I don't want to give the secrets out to everyone. And don't get me wrong, I will share a lot on this site for everyone to learn. But there are some things that are really powerful. And I think my team should have a little edge in their business. So we will keep that behind closed doors. :)
In addition, seeing that this blogging system is getting so much attention and growing so fast - we are building a separate site just for it. And that site will teach people all sorts of ways to earn money with this blogging system.
So I will list a few links below and please feel free to check them all out!
Dave is our branding site. This is where we will do a lot of training about blogging in general, online marketing, affiliate marketing - oh heck - and anything to do with making money online. It will now be our main site, with other "niche" sites branching off from it. Check us out!
Level ONE Network Review is our brand new site that will promote Level ONE Network and support all of our Level ONE Network Team Members!
Take a look at the blogging system and take a look around....and then contact me by clicking here on Contact Us or email me. My email is listed below. Don't be bashful! And I will show you exactly what you will get. I will show you what is behind the curtain before you spend a single penny. And then when you join.....I will work with you every step of the way and help you get going.
I built a few websites and plenty of blogs. But it wasn't until this past year where everything started to take off. Why? Well my mentor showed me what I SHOULD be doing. And that did not line up with what I WAS doing. And now it all make sense. And my business is taking off!
So I encourage you to take a serious look at this because I am sure that you are just like me. You want to make money and you love to blog - but pieces of the puzzle appear to be missing.
Well I invite you to learn a little and take a look around. In fact I don't want you to spend a single penny yet.
Here is what we have done. In the last few weeks we have totally rebuilt our whole business. I created a branding site. This one will be the hub of all of my businesses. it will be a learning place and very soon it will have a "Members Only" area where I will teach the secrets - secrets that the guru's don't want you to know. And I will do it because I think that there is plenty of room on the internet for all of us.
I will have videos and resources there that the members will be free to use, copy or share with their own team. But only members will have access to this stuff. I don't want to give the secrets out to everyone. And don't get me wrong, I will share a lot on this site for everyone to learn. But there are some things that are really powerful. And I think my team should have a little edge in their business. So we will keep that behind closed doors. :)
In addition, seeing that this blogging system is getting so much attention and growing so fast - we are building a separate site just for it. And that site will teach people all sorts of ways to earn money with this blogging system.
So I will list a few links below and please feel free to check them all out!
Dave is our branding site. This is where we will do a lot of training about blogging in general, online marketing, affiliate marketing - oh heck - and anything to do with making money online. It will now be our main site, with other "niche" sites branching off from it. Check us out!
Level ONE Network Review is our brand new site that will promote Level ONE Network and support all of our Level ONE Network Team Members!
Take a look at the blogging system and take a look around....and then contact me by clicking here on Contact Us or email me. My email is listed below. Don't be bashful! And I will show you exactly what you will get. I will show you what is behind the curtain before you spend a single penny. And then when you join.....I will work with you every step of the way and help you get going.
It will be so much fun....and trust me you have absolutely nothing to lose.
And compare a job vs business!!!
P.S. Now that you have read this....job vs business.....go back and watch Robert's video again and see if the video doesn't have much more of an impact to you now!
Dave Webber
Dave Webber
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