Money Blog

Money Blog is what I affectionately call one of my blogs.  It happens to be a very powerful blog and I can earn money from it on many different levels....and hence the reason why I call it the Money Blog.

And that's not it's real name obviously.  But let me explain what it is and why I got it in the first place.  A friend of mine is a very successful online marketer.  And when I say successful we are talking 7 digit when he speaks about blogging or marketing or even Search Engine Optimization.....I listen up.

Oh by the way.....the Money Blog is the best thing in the world for someone just starting out.....but I'll talk about that in a couple of minutes.

Well one day something came up in a flurry of emails that we were hitting back and forth with each other and he told me that he had shifted ALL of his attention to one particular business.  He told me that this one will be huge!!!

Well I did it....I asked him for some information.  And I did look over it but to tell you the truth, I just saw something that I thought was too good to be true so I blew it off.  So imagine first exposure to my future Money Blog....and I blew it off!

Anyway I was working on another project and I was building two other blogs and was very busy. In fact due to what had happened to me in 2011, which you can read about in About Us , it meant that I needed to really push with a sense of urgency on anything that could make me an income.

Then a few days later my buddy emails me and asks me "did you look at that info I sent you"?  And I told him that I glanced at it but was pretty busy.  A few days later another email...."did you look at this need to look at  it Dave"!  And this kept up for a few days and finally I emailed him a couple of links to my blogs and told him what I was doing and why.

Well his reply is not what I expected.  He told me that the answer to my problem.....which was getting more traffic to my sites.....could actually be fixed by this other company.  This other company was offering a blogging system, that was part of a domain that was very, very powerful.  And if I back linked my blogs to it and promoted my blogs on that blog.....I would get more traffic than what I ever could do on my own.

Now if you are new to blogging then this may be meaningless to you.  So let me explain.  If you go to Alexa you can download a tool bar for your browser.  This tool bar will allow you to see the traffic score for EVERY website that you visit....and your own blogs or websites as well.

Now it's backwards from what you may that the lower the number, the better your score.  So if you look at's number 1...which is the best.  But if the site has a really high number or no number at's very bad.  In fact this is normal for brand new sites....and it takes a little bit of work to get traffic to a brand new site.

So my sites being brand new were showing "No Data" because they were brand new.....and that's bad if you are trying to make money.  BUT the Money Blog was at 506......which is really good.  ESPECIALLY when you have control over the links going OUT from it!!!!!!!!!

Now I immediately understood what my friend was talking about and I went back and took a look at the Money Blog!

When I looked at the company closer, what I thought was too good to be true....all of a sudden I could see clearly and in fact it was not too good to be was just really good.  And I figured that I would buy the system in the morning.

Well I couldn't sleep so I got up and took another look at it and around 2 AM and then about 4 AM I bought my own Money Blog.  And I emailed my buddy and told him that I was in.....figuring he would get the news when he woke up.  LOL.....he makes a lot of money for a reason and he emailed me back in about 10 minutes!!!!!  Crazy people working at crazy hours in the morning.

Now within just a couple of days.....I linked my other blogs to my Money Blog and ALL of my blogs got traffic scored.....within DAYS!!!!  And in just a couple of weeks the scores have been dropping every day!

In addition, my traffic has increased so much.....and on one site it doubled over night......AND the majority of traffic now coming into most of my sites is now traffic coming FROM the Money Blog!!!!

That is so crazy when thinking that we are dealing with NEW sites!!

Now all I did was act on one little tip that my very successful online marketing buddy gave me....and I am so glad I did.  And because I am seeing great results....and very quickly I might ad, well I get pretty excited sharing this information with other bloggers.

In fact I was talking to someone that I met online recently and he lives in New Zealand and he has websites that he uses for his business.  I showed him the Alexa tool and he went crazy looking at scores from his sites and his competitors sites.

Then he and I were in the Blogger Chat and were sharing some things on how to use the Money Blog to improve his business sites.....and he jumped right in and bought the system for himself.  And he did it for the same reasons why I did it......because it will bring more traffic to the existing sites!!!

Anyway my Money Blog can be used by anyone to get more traffic and of course make more money as well.  But it was actually designed for the masses.  It was designed for new people who would like to be a blogger.  People who have the desire, but because they are new, they don't understand all the techno babble that is usually associated with creating a blog.

The Money Blog that I am talking about is a pre made blogging system that allows anyone that would like to be a be up and running in a matter of minutes.  AND if they want, they can start earning money with it immediately as well!!!!

Let me show you how easy it is because if you are are still thinking that you may be techno challenged.

If you have your own Money Blog you sign in by entering your user name and then your password.  Then you will see a green button and you click on it.  Then you type in the topic name that you want to share with your readers.  Then you write a comment or opinion that is on your mind....and then push the blue button.

And if you do that 1 to 2 hours per can make money if you would like to be a blogger!

That's it!  Now can you blog once a day for 1 or 2 hours and do it every day?  Well if you do, people will find your own Money Blog and when they do, they will also see pages about the company and also some videos.....and if they want the same system.....they can immediately buy it from your site.

Now you don't have to make money from your site.  You might just want it to improve your site traffic scores and to get more traffic to your sites.  And there are people who do that and that's why they buy the system.

But most of us who blog.....well we like to make money anytime we can.  So if you buy your own Money Blog for yourself.....and people buy the system from your site.....your referral commission goes right into your account!!!!

But you don't have to SELL anything!!!!  The founders of the company do it for you by writing about the company and making the videos and setting up your site for you...all pre made.

Now you can change it a round a little if you want but I would think a little about that.  You see these guy's have a conversion rate that is to die for.  A conversion rate is what is referred to when a visitor becomes a buyer of a product or service.  And typically that can be extremely small and maybe as high as a few percent like maybe 2% or 3% if you are rocking and rolling.

But the company average the last I heard using the site just the way you get it was around 8% which is really nice.

(Oh and my friend's team, of which I am a part of....well he is getting a 31.9% conversion rate!!!!!!!)

So what I do....and you can do what ever you want with your own Money Blog .......but I still use my FREE blogs as I wish and then send traffic to the other site.  AND I send traffic from the other site....back to my FREE sites when ever I want to.

By doing this, I have a lot of flexibility and diversity in my business.  I don't have to put all my eggs in one basket and in fact one of my goals in life is to have many streams of income coming in from all sorts of directions.

As I said....most of us who are bloggers like to make money from all sorts of different ways.

Well it just so happens that my Money Blog happens to be capable of making a LOT of money if you do it right.  But if you never built a blog and you wanted to get started...and you want to make money as well....there is a BONUS here for you.

You see we intend for the Be a Blogger.Biz site to be a learning site for folks who want to be a blogger.  And if anyone decides that they also would like a Money Blog of their own......we will mentor you and train you personally.

And with the use of our chat room and we will be adding a live online conference room as well, we could help you build your own business for you.  You see if you had a blogging system that is pre made, it will do the selling of the system for you.....even before you know what you are doing.

All you have to do is blog.  Well what we will provide for our team members is that they can also build their business by bringing or sending prospective buyers into the live chat or the live conference room.....and we will train those folks for you as well.

So you see.....if you want to be a blogger.....and you also want your own Money Blog for yourself.....but you want to build a can start right away.  Even if you don't really understand all of the benefits of the system because you are new at blogging.  We will help you!!!

Now let's face it, there are so many people that are unemployed or under employed right now.....that the potential of building a great business is off the charts.  I say that because most people that I meet that are out of work have great back grounds.  They have skills and knowledge that they could blog about!!!

AND They also need an income.  So this is an awesome blogging system made just for them.  And if you are just starting out as a blogger.....well let me tell you, this is by far the easiest way to get going!

Take the benefit of being personally mentored in both blogging and also building a business and seriously, it can hardly get any better than that.

So take some time and visit our other site and do some some videos and see for yourself what my Money Blog can do for you.  It is awesome for us!!!!

NOTE:  My Money Blog that I spoke of here had a fantastic Alexa Traffic Ranking - BUT - I was having trouble landing on Google Search Engine Results Pages - which is the whole reason why I got it.  So it was an awesome concept - but it wasn't working.  Then in late February a computer programmer that I know introduced his own pre-made blogging system - and he explained why that powerhouse of a system that I was on - didn't work.  So I switched over to the new company - and the new blogging system and wow!

This thing is awesome.  Everything that I was trying to get with the money blog - and so much more.  Even a built in video blog!  You can read more about it by going to my new website by clicking here on Level ONE Network Review!

And thanks for visiting Be a Blogger.Biz!!!!